Perry Mason was a 15-minute show (including commercials, etc.) that aired five times a week. It ran from October 1943 to December 1955. Several actors played Mason over the years, including Bartlett Robinson, Santos Ortega, Donald Biggs, and John Larkin. Perry's secretary, Della Street, was played by Gertrude Warner (later, Jan Miner and Joan Alexander)
February 20, 2021 Subject:
mis-placed episodes
Episodes 73 and 74 have their titles switched.
May 11, 2018 (edited)
More episodes
I believe there are at least 3,000 episodes of this radio show. There are 75 here. How disappointing to get really sucked into the story of little Dory and her two mothers, only to find after hours of listening that the end of the story is missing. :(
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December 23, 2017 Subject:
I love the Perry Mason series. but there were no more after #75 so we don't know what happened after investing hours covering the case.. I don't know what to say. except HELP were is #76,#77 to the end of it. joedupont5929 at gmail dot com